Important Instructions: All major purchases/expenses must be pre-approved by a minimum of two voting members of current AIHA Alberta Local Section executives.
Allowed Travel Expenses:
- Travel to meetings in the own vehicle at $0.55/km (tied to Government of Alberta, Travel, meal and hospitality expenses policy) or other reasonable travel expenses (bus fare, economy airfare).
- One/two-night accommodation if travelling for an evening executive meeting or the AGM.
- Meals not already provided to maximums described in Government of Alberta ($13.00 for breakfast, $17.00 for lunch and $27.00 for dinner).
- No expenses related attendance at AIHA Alberta Section professional development courses or symposia may be claimed; unless you are required to be there to fulfill your executive duties; but executive members may attend sessions without paying a fee and if attending are expected to help organize/run the sessions.
Allowed Business Expenses:
- Direct costs (speaker fees/expenses, brochure printing and distribution, hotel venue and food fees) associated with an event approved by the Executive.
- People organizing an event need to get a rough budget approved by the executive before starting. (e.g. “will spend up to $_____ for this event”)
- Indirect costs (postage, stationary etc.) associated with the carrying out your duties on the Executive up to $100 per item and other indirect fees over $100 if approved by the Executive.
- Direct ongoing costs that have prior approval from the executive (e.g. Web hosting/consultant support).
- President-Elect, President, Treasurer and Secretary may also claim membership fee for AIHA National while local section directors cand claim AIHA Alberta section membership fees.
All expense claims require the approval of Treasurer or if unavailable the President. Executive members cannot approve their expense claims.
NOTE: Expense receipts must be subbmited online for reimbursement.